1635 reviews
  • Jean Hallajian

    john dot wexford at bellnet dot ca

    Canada Canada


    Harkeli yev Shad syreli Narine

    Anunes Jean e.
    Yes yerets zavagn em Manuel Hallajiani,zores hurengaletsik zirenk antsnogh

    GU kam im yerakhdakidagan khoske eselu tsezi, yev tser antsin mitchotsav
    polor Hyureservice-i antsnagazmin,
    tser tsutsaperadz ansahamn dzarayutyunneren hamar, pasdelov vor business-e
    mimyayn pogh vasdegil tche,
    mimyayn shahagtsagan haraperutyun tche, ayl anor hed miyakharnevadz e
    martgayin azniv dakug modetsumner,
    vorun medzakuyn pasde devik tser dzarayutyunnerov.

    Syreli Narine
    partser ge kenahadem tser dzarayutyunnere yev ge khosdanam aratchin isg
    badeh aritin vor Yerevan gaytselem gam
    hantibim tsez , antsamp esem ayn intch ,zores ays dogherun entmetcehen sosg
    parerov gareli tcheghav darazavorel.

    Gergin shenorhagalutyn , vartsgernit gadar.

    Jean Hallajian

  • Morten Oddvik

    Norway Norway


    Dear Hyur Service,

    We had the pleasure to be shown around your stunning country for two days this summer by your excellent guide Lilya Hovannnsiyan and our driver Sam. We felt greatly taken care of all the way and learned a lot from our very knowledgeable guide and always safe with the driver.

    Recommended highly for everyone interested in traveling around Armenia in a safe and intelligent way.

    Warm regards,
    Morten Oddvik

  • Harout Kechichian

    info at alignementgarbis dot com

    Canada Canada


    Pari or Christina jan,

    I'm very happy to use your services (airport transportation, the tours and the rental apartment),
    everyone from the Hyurservice team was very professional and kind,
    I will refer other people without any hesitation.
    Keep up the good work and keep smiling as usual

    Thank's to all

    Harout Kechichian

  • David Pivazian

    United States of America United States of America


    Dear Hyurservice,

    I would like to express my gratitude for your efforts and high professionalism in order to satisfy your clients. Your professionalism and dedication to your customers is greatly appreciated. It was real pleasure to have a business with you and looking forward to contact you again for my next trip to Armenia.

    Thank you very much.

    David Pivazian

    Los Angeles, CA

  • Arsineh

    Australia Australia


    Hello. Many thanks for the service and hospitality we enjoyed from you during our stay in Yerevan. The apartment was clean, well equipped and in an excellent location, all as described on line. We were met on time and assisted on our first day of arrival and arrangements were made for our departure. Thank you and we hope to visit again soon.

  • Gunter Clar

    Germany Germany


    just let me give you the feedback, that I was very satisfied with both the private and the regular tour that you have organised for me.

    I also liked your 'trustful' approach regarding the payments.

    So, I can fully recommend your company.

    best regards

    Gunter Clar

  • A.A.

    karenghoo at yahoo dot com

    United States of America United States of America


    Thank you sooo much for making me feel so comfortable with my stay. Everyone of the staff of Hyur is truly remarkable. My stay was as comfortable as it gets truly location was great, amenities were great. It makes me feel great knowing the next time I visit Armenia I don't have to worry about lodging because I can alwasy depend on Hyur Service.

    Thanks again.

  • Juan Aisa

    juaisa at able dot es

    Spain Spain


    hello luiza, this is juan. from zaragoza.
    i write to you only to say to all of you that i enjoyed a lot each second of my small trip to armenia.
    thanks to all of you.

    take care of your nature, landscapes, mountains, monasteries... i am sure they will be the best future for the country.
    thanks again.

    pd: please, say to monica (the guide who speaks spanish very well) that if she wants some spanish books to read i could send you some books. it would be a pleasure to me.

  • Chouchane SAMIKYAN TASCI

    tasci at wanadoo dot fr

    France France



    Je souhaitais vous adresser un message depuis notre retour mais le rythme de travail nous a tres vite envahi juste pour vous remercier pour votre service l'appartement Aghayan nous a donné entière satisfaction et nous ne manquerons pas de recommander votre ste aupres de nos amis.

    Encore merci pour votre disponibilité.

    Chouchane TASCI

  • Didier ATESYAN

    datesyan at givenchy dot fr

    France France


    chere Seranouche

    quelques mots pour vous remercier et vous dire que nous sommes bien arries a Paris; ici depuis le 28 aout le soleil de yerevan nous manque, le temps est froid et gris a paris, nous avons l impression d avoir fais un rève au sujet de L'ARMENIE.

    les enfants ne sont pas content non plus; car ils trouvent que les fruits et legumes sont sans gouts. enfin nous avons gardé un bon souvenir de l'appartement qui etait tres agréable a vivre et surtout tres bien place.

    YEREVAN sa cascade; le mont ARARAT et vos services nous ont permis de passé de tres bonnes vacances.

    si vous voulez un jour venir a PARIS ; nos serons content à notre tour de vous faire visiter PARIS.

    je pense revenir peut-etre en ARMENIE pour le mois d'avril 2008 avec ma mère pour lui faire visiter le pays; si elle se decide, je ferai appel а vous une nouvelle fois
    famille atesyan

  • Shant Kuyumjian

    bellcapri at earthlink dot net

    United States of America United States of America


    We had an outstanding service from Hyur Services (5 *****) excellent. We were very impressed with your professionalism and our travel guide, Monica also provided us with an excellent service and her knowledge of our Armenian history impressed us tremendously. We look forward to visiting Armenia again in the future and we would definitely contact you again. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. With our regards.

  • Archavir, Sevana et Hovakim

    labk92 at hotmail dot com

    France France



    J'espère que vous allez bien. Je vous envoi ce mail pour vous remercier, ainsi que toute votre équipe pour nous avoir accueilli durant ce séjour. Vous avez fait preuve de beaucoup de sérieux et de professionnalisme et à ce titre nous avons été entièrement satisfait. L'appartement fut d'un confort digne et qui d'ailleurs a fait beaucoup d'envieux...

    Je tenais aussi à remercier plus particulièrement Azad, la personne de l'accueil qui se trouve sur le bureau de gauche, ainsi que la personne qui nous a accueilli nous et Mademoiselle Doniguian Sevana.

    Nous avons passé un séjour inoubliable, surtout pour nous qui venions pour la première fois.

    Je ne manquerais absolument pas de faire parler de vous à mon entourage arménien (et non arménien) en cas de voyages, chose que j'avais déjà commencé à faire avec mon amie Sévana.

    Je vous souhaite une très bonne journée et j'espère à très bientôt.


    Archavir, Sévana et Hovakim

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