1619 reviews
  • Letizia and Daniele

    Italy Italy


    we had really a great time in Armenia and we miss it a lot! We are back from about a month but we still think a lot about our Armenian holiday. We thank you for making us visit this wonderful country, now we feel a little bit "Armenian"... Hope we can meet again!


  • Mahsa Ahmadi

    samazhi at yahoo dot com

    Iran Iran


    Dear Mariana

    I want to say so much thanks because of your best services. We had a very good time in Armenia and were so pleased of your good services.I wish all the best for you and your company.

    Have a nice time
    Best Regards

    Mahsa Ahmadi

  • Evleshin Anton

    Russia Russia


    Barev dzes!
    I was amazed by the service in Hyur service.I have no idea what happened to the apartment that I have ordered,but they gave me the better one.It was kind of welcoming surprize.Also I took some interesting tours.Armenia is amazing country and Hyur service know how to show it!I will come back to Everan one day and take the rest of the tours that I could not contain to my short visit.Good job,guys!
    All the best!

  • sevan

    France France


    très bonne et rapide prise en charge de la demande de location, contact dans la langue souhaitée, suivi de ma demande jusqu'à la confirmation de la commande de location. possibilité de transfert, rencontre chaleureuse avec la personne vous remettant les clefs après vous avoir présenté le bien loué. je recommande vivement "hyur service" pour la qualité et le suivi de leurs services aussi bien pour des novice de l'Arménie que pour des vétérans comme moi.


  • Philip Bedrossian

    philipbedros at yahoo dot fr

    France France


    Dear Marianna,

    I want to thank you and every body for all at Hyur Service (guides, office,driver,...).

    We spent a fantastic moment in Armenia. It's a wonderful country.

    I will come back maybe in September. I will contact you later.

    Thank you very much.


  • Sevag Ainejian

    sevag80 at hotmail dot com

    France France


    Barev dzes,

    Kroum em dzesi medz merci me asselou im dzenorkin gormits.
    Chad chad ourakhatsan Erevannoum ou chad koh mnatsin tser servicits.
    Vertchabess, irents baioussaknere gdnevetsan, myian mi kich viravorvats.
    Vsta hatchort ankam hayastan kan ne, gam yess gam voyeve megue ka ne, tsezi ghrgoum gellank sirov.

    (sorry for mixing armenian languages...:))


    Sevag Ainejian and family

  • Franck Arslangul

    farslangul at free dot fr

    France France


    Bonjour Siranouche,

    Un petit mot pour vous remercier de votre accueil, de votre compétence,et de votre gentillesse.

    Nous avons passé d'excellents moments en Arrménie, nous reviendrons sûrement vous revoir.


    Franck et Annie ARSLANGUL

  • Vrouir

    vrouir dot frankian at gmail dot com

    United States of America United States of America


    Thanks for for making our stay in Armenia so comfortable. Your service is outstanding. You went out of your way to make sure our accommodations met our requirements.

    We will recommend your service to all our friends.


    hanspeter dot worni at kuehne-nagel dot c

    Switzerland Switzerland


    Dear Narine
    thanks for arranging absolut great programm for us. We were absolut fascinated of your tour guides Anna and Christina concerning their language and culture knowledge but also the excellent drivers.
    As experienced traveller we can tell that you are the best tour agency we ever got to know with very fair prices and the amazing that you can keep promise to even take tours for one registered passenger.
    We wish you good luck and hope to see at our holiday fair next January

  • Vadim Dormidontov

    Russia Russia


    We are most grateful to Narine for putting together a busy but not too taxing itinerary for us and to Monica for being our chaperone and doing an excellent job of keeping us interested and excited in two different languages over the three days. Great job, thank you very much. We'll miss the crayfish kebabs from Sevan.


    fadbeb at hotmail dot com

    Lebanon Lebanon



  • Sotoca Manuel

    m dot sotoca at cdt91 dot com

    France France


    Bonjour Siranouche,

    Un beau voyage en Arménie et dans le Haut-Karabagh

    Les prestations de HYUR service ( location d'un appartement à Yérévan et excursions aux alentours) ont tout à fait répondu à notre attente.

    Encore merci pour votre gentillesse et votre compétence

    Un travail très professionnel,

    Bonjour à toute l'équipe,

    Bien Cordialement,

    Famille SOTOCA

  • Danilo GAY

    gaylida at geneva-link dot ch

    Switzerland Switzerland


    Dear Narine,

    And here we are, all back, safely and satisfied. It is probably important for you to know some of our appreciation. Here are a few notes:

    - Arrival welcome at Erevan airport: immediately identified, and greeted by a lively young woman, Irene !

    - Welcome also by the driver Arik who has been excellent : always in time, security, efficiency, etc.

    - Irene's work is absolutely wonderful: fluent French, perfect knowledge of history and geography, various sites, deep and profound spirituality ... and even good friendship !

    - As for hotels, according to our style, they are somewhat too luxurious for us as a group. Next time, I would like to investigate the possibillity of staying with local people. SHEN is working on "bed and breakfast" in some rural areas and I hope it could become a possibility even for foreigners to know Armenia a little deeper !

    - Financially, it has costed us more than for our last trip, but you have kept your prices according to the agreed budget. It was very good.

    - All our participants have come back with enthusiasm and deeply moved by what they have seen and by the people met.

    You can be sure we all can recommend your services and this we do with gratitude !

    Until another opportunity, keep well and thank you

    Danilo GAY

  • Maria Montagne-Yamanjian

    maria dot ararat at hotmail dot fr

    France France


    Bonjour Siranouche !

    Vonsék ? J'espère que vous allez bien !

    Je voulais vous remercier pour votre accueil et votre compétence à tous les niveaux. Nous étions très satisfaits de l'appartement que nous avons loué (n°273). Il était très bien placé et c'était très pratique car nous ne sommes pas restées très longtemps. Dommage que nous ayons eu des problèmes avec l'eau : pourtant, nous n'avons rien touché. C'est resté un mystère pour nous et le technicien Azad.

    Comme je n'ai pas eu le temps de remplir le formulaire de satisfaction, je voulais vous l'écrire par mail. Sachez que je vous fais de la publicité et que les personnes vous contacteront de ma part (Maria, de !Lyon).

    Je vous souhaite une bonne continuation à vous, Azad et à l'agence, en espérant vous revoir bientôt !

    Hatchoroutioun !

    Maria Montagne-Yamanjian

  • Narbeh Shirvanian

    narbehs at hotmail dot com

    Australia Australia


    Dear Narine,

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff at Hyur service, especially yourself and Hayk for not only persevering with us, but also for the great professional service and assistance that you provided for both myself, my wife Alina and both our families on all three occasions that we visited Yerevan in the past year. I understand that it must have been difficult especially on our last visit as our requirements were very specific and you also needed to accommodate numerous friends and family members who had come to Yerevan from all over the world for our wedding. We really appreciated all the assistance that you all gave us in ensuring that we all had everything that we required.

    We will definitely be using Hyur service in the future and we look forward to our next trip to Yerevan.

    Kind regards,

    Narbeh Shirvanian
    (Sydney, Australia)

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