1635 reviews
  • Hagop Dikranian

    hagop dot dikranian at accessgl dot com

    United States of America United States of America


    Dear Anna,

    I would like to thank you for your dedication, cooperation and hard work to make our conference successful.

    I am sure we will get in touch again in the near future.

    Best Regards

    Hagop Dikranian
    Managing Director

  • Анастасия Коровина

    korovinas at mail dot ru

    Russia Russia


    Вернулся наш друг Александр из поездки в Армению. Благодаря замечательной, слаженной, профессиональной работе Вашей фирмы, он приехал с восторженными рассказами и самыми теплыми чувствами. Особая благодарность Вам за чудесного гида Лилит!
    Теперь в Москве есть еще один человек безгранично влюбленный в Армению!!!
    Всяческого Вам процветания и всех лучших пожеланий Вашим сотрудникам! Вы молодцы!!!!!!!

    С признательностью,

  • Eddy Kassis

    eddy_k6 at hotmail dot com

    Lebanon Lebanon


    Thanks to every member in Hyurservice team and specially to Lyudmilla, a professional person that helped us a lot and gave us great recommendations to enjoy Armenia. The tour guides, drivers, assistants at office and housekeeping girl of the apartment are all professionals and great members, congratulations.

    Wish you all the best. Hyurservice will be my first recommendation for anyone wishing to visit Armenia.

  • Dikran and Hermine Kabbendjian

    United States of America United States of America


    Dear Susan Chloyan,

    We want to thank you for ptroviding us with efficient and reliable service before and during our stay in Arnenia. Your propmt, reasoned, and efficient e-mail responses to our requests made our our first first visit to Armenia more predictable even before we set foot here.
    The WiFi device you provided for the I-Pad ii worked flawlessly during our stay. We truely appreciate the very high level of professionalism you exhibited in all matters.
    We also took a Hyur Tour to Echmadzin last week, which we enjoyed. The only suggestion we have is to review the English text used by the tour guide to make sure it is an accurate and complete translation of the Armenian text, which we found to be more complete and informative.
    In closing, we think highly of Hyur Service and you, Ms. Chloyan, is a big reason why.

  • Jack Kalaydjian

    kalaydjian at gmail dot com

    Canada Canada


    Although I was assured by my son the quality of your services, I was still skeptical.
    The period during which we planned our vacation the correspondence back and forward was highly professional, still I was skeptical.
    We landed at the airport and there was Hyur service waiting for us, I was still skeptical but slightly less.
    The following day we were picked up sharp on time from the hotel for our first organized tour, I was slightly less skeptical.
    At the end of the day you had earned my respect.
    At the end of our 14 day tour, I would proudly recommend your services to anyone.
    Thank you to all the girls in the office who had a pleasant and smiling face
    Thank you to all the drivers and the guides for making our stay in Yerevan as pleasant as possible.
    Yes I got attached to a few drivers and guides slightly more than others, but that is more than normal
    Thank you for the coffee which you offered.
    I know the management will hate me for saying this.
    You all deserve a raise in your salary.
    Jack Kalaydjian

    Life is Beautiful

  • Ярослав

    Russia Russia


    Благодарю за радушный приём и качественный сервис, очень рад, что
    обратился к вашим услугам.

    С уважением,


  • Poorang Tadayoni

    poorangt at gmail dot com

    Iran Iran


    I had booked a 5 bedrooms house in Aygestan area in Yerevan from Hyurservice. Every things was very good and excellent. The good managers and their leader are very polite and responsible. They answered all of my questions before booking and so I was relax to book. I appreciate them for their kind, excellent & helpful service as it's name, Hyur (=Guest), that come from.
    There is just 1 not good item that I took a USB flash internet modem from them. But it did not work at all may just for 2-3 minutes. I told them but they could not fix it.
    Any way I will use this service one more time I come to Armenia.

    Thanks so much.

  • Yeran Dekermendjian

    yerovich at hotmail dot com

    Lebanon Lebanon


    Dear Mariam,

    I thank you for all HYUR did to us during our stay in Armenia.
    We adored Armenia and love you all.
    Take care.

  • Ikuko Nara

    iku at chello dot at

    Japan Japan


    Dear Ms. Sergoyan,

    Thank you very much for your kind assistance this time. I was very happy with your flexibility and service-mind. I am really satisfied with your work.

    Next time I will definitely contact you again. Armenia is a fascinating country, and I hope to go there again in near future.

    Best regards,

    Ikuko Nara

  • Peka Istanboulian

    peggyistanb at hotmail dot com

    Lebanon Lebanon




    Hope you are doing well.I just wanted to thank you for your best service ,your kindness and hospitality,really don't know what to say more than this and of course for your dear stuff.

    I wish you you all more success and more luck for your nice attitude and hope to see you again in the near future.

    Best Regards

    Peka Istanboulian

  • Zdenek Strnad

    strnad at lbdp4 dot cz

    Czechia Czechia


    Vá_x005F_x005F_x005F_x005F_x009e_ení přátelé z Hyur Service
    Děkujeme Vám velmi za Výtečný servis po dobu na_x005F_x005F_x005F_x005F_x009a_eho výletu v Arménii. Zvlá_x005F_x005F_x005F_x005F_x009a_tě děkuji Lilit za celou organizaci a výtečnou spolupráci. Byli jsme velmi překvapeni profesionalitou va_x005F_x005F_x005F_x005F_x009a_ich v_x005F_x005F_x005F_x005F_x009a_ech zaměstnanců včetně řidičů. Nikdy se nestalo ,_x005F_x005F_x005F_x005F_x009e_e by některý řidič nepřijel ,nebo přijel pozdě. V_x005F_x005F_x005F_x005F_x009e_dy nám v_x005F_x005F_x005F_x005F_x009a_ichni pomohli a poradili kdy_x005F_x005F_x005F_x005F_x009e_ bylo potřeba. Rezervace a na_x005F_x005F_x005F_x005F_x009a_e objednávky v_x005F_x005F_x005F_x005F_x009e_dycky splnily na_x005F_x005F_x005F_x005F_x009a_e očekávání. Děkujeme za va_x005F_x005F_x005F_x005F_x009a_í práci pro na_x005F_x005F_x005F_x005F_x009a_í skupinu.

    S pozdravem
    Zdeněk Strnad průvodce guide Česká republika

  • Георгий

    Monchas at mail dot ru

    Russia Russia


    Уважаемый Хуир Сервис!
    хочется выразить огромною благодарность за организацию отдыха. Понравилось все: трансфер, размещение в квартире, организация экскурсий. В вашей компании поражает профессионализм, индивидуальный подход к гостям, улыбчивый и доброжелательный коллектив. Хочется пожелать, что бы вы развивались еще больше, ведь вы лицо Армении и от вас зависит, какие эмоции увозят гости из нашей Родины. Приятно, что в Армении есть такие люди, как вы. Огромный респект за экскурсии и эмоции Лилит Саакян))))) В добавок хочется пару предложений на будущее:
    1. Добавить посещение старой улицы в Дилижане
    2. спускаться в ущелье в Гарни и пещеру в Арени
    3. развивать новые направления в ежедневных экскурсиях, такие как: Ахтала, водопады Шаке, Джермук. Вообщем добавить посещение водопадов, крпостей, княжеских дворцов в Армении и Арцахе.
    4.Хочется экскурсию на 1-2 дня в Грузию.

    Сам специалист по туризму, поэтому тщательно наблюдал за вашей работой. Отмечу еще брендированность автобусов, офиса, одежды, воды - это приятные глазу мелочи. Продолжайте в том же духе. приедем на следующий год

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