1635 opiniones
  • Maro Sandrouni

    msandrouni at bezeqint dot net

    Israel Israel


    Dear Mariana,

    Thank you for being so tolerant and gracious when you repeatedly changed our booking. Much appreciate your driver's promptness in meeting us upon our arrival in Yerevan. Our stay at Europe Hotel was very comfortable and the staff were extremely friendly, helpful and professional.

    Thanks for your warm welcome and we look forward to visiting Armenia once more and would gladly use your services again!!

    Best regards to all of you
    Maro and group

  • Александр и Татьяна

    avkula06 at rambler dot ru

    Rusia Rusia


    Уважаемые сотрудники Hyur Service!

    Огромное спасибо за прекрасно проведенные выходные в Ереване. Все было просто отлично. Экскурсии и ночную Площадь Республики мы запомним надолго. Кухня ресторана Киликия - одна из лучших. Особенно долма и пахлава. На вернисаже были до темноты. Обязательно приедем еще.

    Пожалуйста, передайте Монике, что Арарат мы все же увидели. С самолета Командир показал его с трех сторон на разной высоте. Зрелище просто великолепное.
    Правда Ноева Ковчега не разглядели...

    Еще раз спасибо
    Александр и Татьяна


    sylhakopian at hotmail dot com

    Francia Francia


    A l'attention de l'équipe de huyr service,

    Je tiens à vous remercier de tout coeur pour tous les services rendus au cours de mon dernier séjour à Erevan. Cette formule de location d'appartement à Erevan me permet d'être en contact direct avec la vie quotidienne des Erevantsis mais également en toute sécurité grâce à l'aide que vous apportez en lien téléphonique 24 heures sur 24. C'est un privilège de vous connaître et de rester en lien avec vous grâce aux moyens techniques modernes de communication que vous maîtrisez tout en veillant de rester dans une atmosphère de relations toujours très chaleureuses et humaines.



  • Сергей Макеев

    sam at nika-tsc dot ru

    Rusia Rusia


    Анна, большое Вам спасибо за орг-цию поездки, Армения впечатлила, что и говорить, Ереван - замечательный город. Обязательно будем всем нашим знакомым советовать Вас как партнёров для туристической и деловой поездки в Армению. Еще раз Вам огромное спасибо.

    С уважением, Сергей (единственное замечание - плз, предупреждайте всех Ваших гостей, что на вылете из страны их ждёт побор в 35 дол с носа - есть шанс не
    улететь, если деньги пропили или без коньяка из duty free:))

  • Anayis Khatchérian

    Francia Francia


    Bonjour Anna,

    Un petit bonjour de Marseille pour vous remercier, vous et toute l'équipe

    de Hyur Service, de nous avoir si bien accueillies et conseillées pendant notre séjour à Yerevan.

    Mes amies et moi-même avons beaucoup aimé l'Arménie qui est un très beau

    pays et que j'ai eu plaisir à découvrir. Et nous avons beaucoup apprécié la gentillesse et l'accueil chaleureux des arméniens.

    Nous reviendrons, sans doute, une autre fois, si Dieu le veut !

    Bien amicalement.

    Anayis Khatchérian de Marseille

    Martine Vallais de Paris

  • Pavel Osipof

    pavelosipof at hotmail dot com

    Iran Iran


    Dear Hyur Staff

    Jast to say, Thank you for the excellent service , you provided for us when staying in Yerevan.
    meny thanks, Pavel

  • Arsineh

    Australia Australia


    Hello. Many thanks for the service and hospitality we enjoyed from you during our stay in Yerevan. The apartment was clean, well equipped and in an excellent location, all as described on line. We were met on time and assisted on our first day of arrival and arrangements were made for our departure. Thank you and we hope to visit again soon.

  • Hadi Etemadi

    eatemadi56 at yahoo dot com

    Iran Iran


    "Hello,I hope that you will be healthy. Thanks for your help.I was very relaxed in your apartments because the staff was very friendly and I will advise to other people that they will choose Hyur Service for stay.Thank you Nina Hakobyan, Luiza Armenakyan and the rest of Hyur's friendly staff. Hope to see you again and wish you the best. In case I'm back to Yerevan I want to stay here again "
    Yours Sincerely
    September 2008


    silvatufenkjian at hotmail dot com

    Australia Australia


    Hello everyone at Hyur Service, thank you very much for your constant care, hospitality and help. It was wonderful to visit Armenia again, specially dealing with you, you made our holiday so easy specially you really did give your best of knowlrdge and undrestanding. I would sincerely would like to thank you again and again specially Louiza whom i met on the net. Thanks sgain, I see you next week again.
    All the best to you
    From Sydney australia
    Silva Tufenkjian

  • andrea petrella

    andrea dot petrella at libero dot it

    Italia Italia


    I really enjoyed my staying in Armenia and thanks to the tours managed by Hyur I could definitely get my target: coming into a close contact with Armenian culture! All the tours I took part were really satisfying and enjoyable: the guides are also very friendly and caring. I had the feeling to be in a kind of family!
    I will definitely be back next year!!

  • Silke&Tobias Leimcke

    tobias at leimcke dot de

    Alemania Alemania


    We have been fully satisfied with your bus service. The bus was always in time, everybody felt well inside, because the bus was comfortable and clean at all times. Careful driving completed this very good impression. Thanks a lot.

  • Stephen Brittain

    Reino Unido Reino Unido


    Just a note to thank you all for giving me a wondrous snapshot of Armenia over the last couple of weeks.

    I never knew exactly what to expect when I turned up at your office on Monday 7th July, but I was never disappointed. The trips to Oshakan, Echmiadzin, Noratous, Gyumri Noravank, Sadarapat and Aragats were all good.

    Special thanks to the guides whose names I remember - Sona, Elizabeth, Anna, Monika, Christina, Alla, and Katar. And those whose names I don't remember!

    And also many thanks to the office staff of course.

    Kind regards,
    Stephen Brittain

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