1635 avis
  • Paul Walsh

    pwalsh at gmx dot net

    France France


    Hello Anna,

    I just want to take this opportunity to thank you and HYUR for the highly efficient organization of our trips when we were in Armenia recently. As a result we managed to cover a lot of ground in a short space of time and it was particularly useful that we were able to change our itineraries at short notice as I was able to go to the airport and collect luggage which had got stuck at Paris and we were also able to go to Nagorno Karabakh, which was one of the highlights of the entire trip. Thanks as well to our drivers, especially Levon who helped us get the most out of our trip to the south of the country.

    We hope to be back in Armenia in the not too distant future and will definitely be in touch with you again.

    Here is a photo as a souvenir of our t rip to Goris and Nagorno Karabakh. I would be grateful if you could pass it on to Levon and say hi to him from Ingrid, Susan and me. He did a great job in showing us around.

    Thanks again and all the best,
    Paul Walsh

  • Zaroukian

    ardozca at yahoo dot ca

    Canada Canada


    We stayed in App.# 364 for 4 weeks (SEP. 19-Oct 14) and enjoyed every minute of it. Overall the appartemnt was well kept and clean, but we had a slow start because conterary to what was advertised, the equiment was not up to date even though this was a Class "A" unit. Imagine our dissapointment when after almost 24 hrs of travel we arrived at the building to a very dirty elevator over- whelmed with the smell garbage from the shut next to it. Eventhough we enjoyed the appartemnt and our visit, the elevator and the garbage smell put a dummper on this evry day.
    A friendly recommendation is that the management at Hyur should inspect the permises before renting them and to make sure that these places do meet a minimum standards and thus could be classified as an "A". Because regardless of the service we recieved every 5 days. The overall appartemnt should not have been an "A" class.
    I hope you take this posetive feedback as a friendly advise to improve your services and make the visitors more welcome and give them a feeling of being at home.

  • Zara Arakelyan

    zara at parkcinema dot ru

    Russie Russie


    Алина, добрый день!

    Хочу выразить благодарность всей команде компании HyurService за безупречный сервис на протяжении всего пребывания в Ереване.
    Обязательно воспользуюсь вашими услугами во время своих следующих поездок!
    Всех благ,

    Zara Arakelyan

  • Алексей, Ольга

    [email protected]
    Russie Russie


    Есдили на ноябрьские праздники.
    Ни одной претензии, все во-время, ненавязчиво, с хорошим рассказом (причем иногда рассазы водителя были не менее интер%2сны рассказов гида). Гид - Лилит, Водитель Рубик.

  • Sima & Moshe Dribin

    Israël Israël


    Thanks to the ladies from your office, drivers and tour guides. They make a good job and the service was also good. We learn a lot about Armenia, the history and the life of the people.
    The room which we rent with your office help was also good. We will tell to our friends about your
    service only good things.
    Shalom from Israel to Armenia.


  • Наталья

    Natalui0178 at yandexl dot ru

    Russie Russie


    Здравствуйте всем доброго здоровья!
    Была в Армении в конце августа начале сентября этого года. Приезжала к родственникам на 7 дней. Из этих семи дней 5 дней провела на экскурсиях Hyur Service.
    Очень довольна! Всё на высшем уровне!
    Огромное спасибо и менеджерам и водителям и экскурсоводам!!! Я много бывала за границей и всегда брала экскурсии по достопримечательностям, но такой отличной организации не было нигде! Это и доброта и приветливость и желание донести информацию о истории, культуре, обычаях!
    Экскурсии бронировала заранее по интернету, всё объяснили всё подсказали, денег заранее не надо было переводить.
    Приедем в следующий раз с мужем и обязательно воспользуемся услугами вашей фирмы!
    С уважением, Наталья!

  • Peter

    pmkliu at hotmail dot com

    Royaume-Uni Royaume-Uni


    A very big thanks to everyone at Hyur Services for excellent services. I had a great time learning about the culture, and the tours were excellent and informative. Food was excellent too. I'd very much enjoyed the singing fountains show in the evening with the warm weather.

    Thanks again for an excellent stay

  • TITOVA Ingrid

    Ingrid dot TITOVA at coe dot int

    France France


    Hello, Anna

    I just wanted to thank you on behalf of myself and my friends Paul and Susan for the marvellously efficient way you organised our trips to Sevan and Goris/Tatev/Nagorno Karabakh.

    We had a great holiday and - thanks to HYUR - everything was very easy and hassle-free.

    There was only one very minor issue and that concerned the Christy Hotel in Goris. As you probably know, it is a comfortable, beautifully
    renovated hotel with very nice staff. They cooked dinner for us twice and it was very good.
    For some reason, though, they don't seem to tidy the bedrooms when guests are out during the day. We returned in the evening to find that no-one had been in the rooms. Perhaps you could tell them - diplomatically - that a hotel is normally expected to make the beds, empty the rubbish bins and restock the toilet paper once a day. They don't have to change the towels (most hotels now encourage guests to reuse the towels) but they should perhaps leave a notice in the room,
    indicating that towels will be changed only on request (something along the lines of "For environmental reasons, guests are encouraged to re-use the towels").

    Anyway, that was just a very minor point in what was otherwise a very smooth trip.

    We would particularly like to say how fantastic our taxi driver - Levon - was. He really looked after us and we were very sad when it came to
    saying goodbye to him. Could you possibly tell him how much we enjoyed his company? What a lovely man.

    Thank you once again for all your help. We will definitely be back in Armenia soon.

    Best regards,
    Ingrid Titova

  • Karine Voskanyan

    lansol at yandex dot ru

    Russie Russie


    Хотела бы поблагодарить Вас, Вашу компанию, и Ваших коллег, Симона нашего водителя( к сожалению, не знаю его фамилии) и Давида Асратяна нашего гида, за отличную организацию нашего путешествия и приятные впечатления. Лозунг в аэропорту- "Добро пожаловать домой!", благодаря Вашей компании стал для нас реальностью.
    Желаю Вашей компании процветания и успехов в дальнейшем, ну а мы в свою очередь, стали уже вашими постоянными клиентами, и еще не раз обратимся для организации путешествий.
    с уважением,
    Каринэ Восканян.

  • Аревик

    Russie Russie


    Узнала от мамы, что Татевик принимает участие в конкурсе исполнителей. Хотела бы искренне пожелать ей дальнейших побед! Знаю, что первый тур она прошла :)

    Сергей, Аревик, Донара

  • Eckhard Oberdoerfer

    eckhard dot oberdoerfer at gmx dot de

    Allemagne Allemagne


    Guten Tag Frau Kyasinyan!

    Wir sind nun wieder gut in Deutschland nach einem kleinen Abstecher nach Schlesien gelandet. Wir Drei möchten uns sehr für alles bedanken, es war sehr angenehm, wir werden den Huyrservice weiterempfehlen. Grüßen Sie bitte auch Simon von uns, wir haben in der Anlag ein Gruppenbild mit Fahrer beigefügt.

    Alles Gute, sollten Sie mal in Deutschland sein, dann haben Sie eine Adresse in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Sachsen.

    Eckhard Oberdörfer

  • Frank Siegmund

    fsiegmund at gmx dot de

    Allemagne Allemagne


    Liebes Hyurservice-Team,

    nach einer super tollen Zeit sind wir gestern nach Deutschland zurück

    gekommen. Im Namen unserer kleinen Reisegruppe möchte ich mich noch einmal

    ganz herzlich für die tolle Organisation mit Hotels, Transfers und

    Reiseleitung in Armenien bedanken. Wir haben es sehr genossen und uns immer

    sehr gut betreut gefühlt. Ohne Ihre Unterstützung hätten wir das Land sicher

    nicht so gut kennenlernen können.

    Es war eine Zeit die wir nicht vergessen werden. Wir kommen gerne wieder

    !!!! :-)

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