In the early 1920s businessman Smbat Mateossian repatriated to Soviet Armenia from Boston, establishing a winery in Ararat valley, however, during that hard period Bolsheviks confiscated his vineyard. In 2008 Mateossian's heirs finally bought back the vineyard and founded a modern company, that produces high quality wines. Today you can visit this place to get enlightened to the family's story and also taste the sophisticated wines, made from autochtone varieties. The following degustation options are available:0 AMD0 AMD
- Option 1 – tasting of 2-3 types of wine with snacks at 12 600 AMD p/p;
- Option 2 – tasting of 2-3 types of wine with breakfast at 14 400 AMD p/p;0 AMD
- Option 3 – tasting of 3-4 types of wine with lunch at 20 400 AMD p/p.
The reservations should be made in advance.