1649 Bewertungen
  • Aram Voskanyan

    voskanyan_aram at mail dot ru

    Russland Russland


    Армине Здавствуйте!

    Вчера только прилетели в Москву.
    Хотел поблагодарить Вас и Всю компанию hyurservice за оказанные услуги.
    Замечательный сервис, особенно понравились экскурсии! Все было очень красиво, вкусно и организованно!
    Нам очень понравилось, обязательно обратимся к Вам снова!


    С наилучшими пожеланиями,
    Арам Восканян

  • Pedro

    Spanien Spanien


    La visita a Armenia ha sido muy agradable y fue todo muy bien, así como el coche, que ha funcionado muy bien y el transfer al aeropuerto del día de salida. Veo que sois una empresa muy seria y profesional, y desde luego si se de alguien que desee visitar vuestro país, os recomendare como agencia de contacto en Armenia.
    Un saludo en especial a Mariam que con su español nos ayudo en planificar el viaje.

  • Людмила

    ya dot raximova at yandex dot ru

    Russland Russland


    Хочу выразить огромную благодарность всему коллективу!
    Спасибо Мери и Армени за интересные и познавательные экскурсии по стране. Правда у меня было всего 3 дня, но я надеюсь вернуться и обязательно обращусь именно к вам. Желаю процветания вашему тур агентству и очень надеюсь на скорую встречу с Арменией!

    с наилучшими пожеланиями, Людмила

  • Paul & Helen Mardinian

    Pmardinian at me dot com

    Großbritannien Großbritannien


    We have just returned from a fantastic six day bespoke tour of Armenia with our three children, organised in a highly professional way by Hyur Service. Our guide, Mary, impressed us all with her detailed knowledge of the history and culture of Armenia, and her ever-present good humour and enthusiasm. She seemed to have every fact at her fingertips and enlivened everything with interesting stories and anecdotes. Aro, our driver, got us from one end of the country to the other safely and was always very courteous and helpful. Overall we would not hesitate to recommend Hyur Service, and in particular Mary and Aro for their excellent care and attention - nothing seemed to be too much trouble for either of them and they really contributed to our enjoyment of this first trip to their wonderful country.

  • Geir and Paal

    Norwegen Norwegen


    Thank you for two great daytrips.
    We wish to thank Mary and Khachatur, our tour guides, for excellent knowledge about the history of your beautiful country. It was also interesting to hear about everyday life in Armenia. We will also thank Levon for safe driving, and his sense of humour was very much appreciated.

    Our experience is that Hyur is a very professional tour operator and we will recommended it.

  • Serj and Alice Harutunian

    serj dot harutunian at sbcglobal dot net

    Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika


    Dear Lilit,
    We have returned back to US. I want to thank you so very much for helping us make this trip. We could not have done it without your excellent and professional assistance which made me feel comfortable and trustful working
    with Hyur Service, which I did not know before. We had a wonderful time, the tour guides and drives all excellent and knowledgeable professional, we truly learned a lot and connected with our "Hyeness". We will miss being in
    Armenian until we come again. I am sorry not to have given you a gift when I met you, however, please sent this email to owner, or Hyur management so they will know how much we appreciate you and all Hyur staff.

    Serj and Alice Harutunian

  • Татевик Захарян

    tatevinka at mail dot ru

    Russland Russland


    Огромное спасибо за организацию туров по нашей любимой Родине! Отдельная благодарность нашим водителям Левону и Армену. Замечательные люди, виртуозы армянский дорог! Так же выражаем благодарность экскурсоводам ЛИЛИТ, Рубине, МЕРИ и Армине. Надеемся в следующем году продолжить наше путешествие по Армении с вами!

    С наилучшими пожеланиями, Татевик и Сусанна.

  • Uli und Stefan aus Sachsenheim

    Deutschland Deutschland


    Liebe Anahit,

    nochmals vielen Dank für die ausgezeichnete Betreuung, den super Service und die zuverlässige Unterstützung bei der Organisation unserer Armenien-Reise. Wir waren besonders beruhigt, dass die Flughafen-Transfers alle pünktlich geklappt haben.

    Wir haben natürlich die Klöster Edschmiatsin, Haghbat, Sanahin, Noravankh und Khor Virap besucht, haben in Eriwan das Matenadaran, die Kaskaden und Tsitsernakaberd angeschaut, wir waren in Dilijan am Parz Lich, sind zwischen Garni und Geghard gewandert, haben am Sevan-See übernachtet und sind von Noratus über den Selim-Pass bis zur Caravanserai gefahren. Die Leute waren sehr freundlich, und das Kilikia-Bier hat uns gut geschmeckt. My Hotel können wir wirklich weiter empfehlen, das Personnal war stets hilfsbereit und nett. Aber der Höhepunkt waren die beiden Wanderungen auf den Azhdahak (wo wir frische Wolfsspuren im Schnee entdeckten) und auf den Aragats (mit Amberd und dem Alphabet)! Eine wunderschöne Landschaft mit atemberaubender Sicht.

    Nochmals ganz herzlichen Dank an Sie! Es hat wirklich Spaß gemacht, mit Ihnen zu arbeiten.

    Mit besten Grüßen

    Uli und Stefan aus Sachsenheim, Baden-Württemberg

  • Craig Meopham

    Craigsbusy at yahoo dot com dot au

    Kanada Kanada


    Hello, we used your tour service to Khor Virap on Friday 11th for a private tour. When I booked, I was offered the services of an intern tourist guide at no cost. Her name was Gohar. We just wanted to say that we were very impressed with her service, knowledge & professionalism. We know she is an intern, but we think she is an asset to Hyur Tours & wanted to acknowledge her wonderful service.

  • Yael and Motti Peer

    yaelpee at gmail dot com

    Israel Israel


    Dear Susan,
    We are back home. We enjoyed our trip to Armenia, it was very interesting and everything was very good. Our guides were knowledgeable, polite, helpful and considerate. The hotels were good, especially the one in Yerevan!
    Please send Samuel and Mary my warm words and appreciation.

    Best regards
    Yael and Motti Peer

  • Nava Fields

    navaotr at gmail dot com

    Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika


    We would like to take the time and thank you for your services, we enjoyed our trip and will recommend to others to visit the country with you.
    Mary was a very good guide, she was very thoughtful, helpful and knowlegable, she tried very hard to give us as broad understanding as possible of your country's history and culture, at the same time to satisfy all our needs. She is sweet and we enjoyed her company.

    Thanks again. Regards,
    Nava Fields.

  • Samira Ghasemi

    Samira_ghasemi_2013 at hotmail dot co

    Iran Iran


    Dear Armine Movsisyan

    Thank you for your good services and being on time . We have a perfect journey in your country.
    We hope to travel in Armenia again in future if it be possible.

    With kind regards

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