Rezensionen der Reisenden
Today visited Sevan lake! Me and my mother 61 y.o.
Our guide was Rosa Avonian. We would like to thank her.
Though the weather was awful, it was really windy, too cold...
Rosa's talk was incredibly interesting!!
Me myself, I am a guide, found many interesting facts!
Thanks for your services and your workers -
Shake Toumayan
Dear Hyur Service Family,
I am very touched to receive this email greetings from you, working with you had always been a pleasure! and having good relationship with my fellow Armenians in my mother land is a true gift for me.
Sure we will meet in 2016! I wish every individual member of Hyur Service very prosperous and JOYFUL festive season and a great year 2016. May all your dreams come true, each one of you...
My Love, Gratitude and Best wishes,
Shake Toumayan -
Ketevan Apkhadze
kapkhadze at tmcgps dot ge
Thank you so much. It is always a great pleasure to work with you guys!
Me and our team here wish you all the best things in upcoming year.
Sincerely hope we will have more projects to work on in 2016. You make our job so much easier.
Warmest regards,
Kate -
Susan Khloyan
susan at aarki dot com
Dear Anna and Arusik,
I want to thank you for all your support and enthusiastic approach in organizing our corporate event!
Everything was great and we enjoyed our stay in Dilijan.
Warm greetings from all "Aarki" staff!
Best regards,
Susan Khloyan -
Aline Saade
aline_saade at yahoo dot com
Good morning,
I would like to thank you for the lovely journey spent in Armenia.. the tour trip were amazing.. the hotel is v nice and the the team is so freindly.
Specially a big thanks to Mr. Norik..
By the way we will keep in touch, as we will be visiting again Armenia next year in October ( Amberd, lake sevan, jeremuk, karabakh and of course Georgia)...
Many thanks for everything..
See you soon.
Aline Saade -
Rodolfo Contreras
rodhongkong at gmail dot com
Dear Mary,
I am just back to Spain. It has been a great experience the tours with you, specially the private one we did to the molokan villages and yezedies. Please thanks the guide and the driver from my side. As a photographer Armenia is a paradise. Hope I can go back one day and continue to explore your amazing country.
Rodolfo -
Наталья Буланова
bulanova at inbox dot ru
Анна, добрый день!
Огромное вам спасибо за великолепный сервис. Родители отдыхали в разных странах, но отдых в Армении был самым не забываемым. За счет очень доброжелательных и отзывчивых людей и прекрасной природы!!
Еще раз спасибо!
Буду всегда рекомендовать Вашу фирму для поездок в Армению.
С уважением,
Наталья -
Sona Petrossian
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Dear Hyur Services,
It has been just over a week since we returned from our 10 day trip in Armenia with the assistance of Hyur Services.
Since we made the first inquiry to you and your staff, the initial responses were most positive and reassuring that we had put ourselves in good hands. Your driver greeted us at the airport and drove us to the Yerevan Marriott with a very welcoming manner and pointed out many sights during the drive.
We began our touring immediately the next morning with a trip to Geghard and Garni and the guide was extremely informative and courteous. She was also very helpful in giving us information about various points of interest during the drive to and from our destinations.
Our guide for the remainder of our stay was Mary Mirzakhanyan who we took an immediate fondness for within the first day. Her knowledge and demeanor are a compliment to Hyur Services and we formed a solid bond with her for the remainder of the trip. Her communication skills are of the highest standard and it is evident from her actions that she takes her responsibilities very seriously. The choices she made for us regarding refreshments and meal planning were outstanding throughout the trip. We came to depend upon her expertise without question.
Despite the fact that Hyur Services tried to pull Mary from us in the middle of our itinerary and replace her with another agent we have all agreed that we would recommend Hyur services to our family members and friends.
I might add that I was pleased that we were able to deal with that situation in a positive manner.
There are so many more areas of Armenia which we have yet to discover and we all plan to return to Haiastan very soon. Than k you again for your hard work on our behalf.
Sona, Vanik, Priscilla and James -
Вероника Тумасян
TumasyanVG at edu dot sochi dot ru
Доброе утро, Мери!
Сегодня встретились с участниками поездки!
Все очень довольны! Всем- от момента встречи в аэропорту до последней минуты трансфера в аэропорт.
Благодарю за работу!
Буду и в дальнейшем рекомендовать Ваше агентство.
С уважением, Вероника Тумасян -
Gustavo Feysulaj
gfeysulaj at hotmail dot com
Hola Mariam !
Muchas gracias por todos los servicios brindados !
Fueron todos de gran calidad.
Cuando vuelva a Armenia no dudaré en contactarlos nuevamente.
Saludos cordiales.
Gustavo -
Natalia845 at yandex dot ru
Добрый вечер,
В конце сентября я и мои коллеги были в Армении. Обратились в вашу компанию с просьбой организовать экскурсию на целый день 26-го сентября.
Хотим сказать огромное спасибо нашему экскурсоводу Кристине и водителю Артуру за их отношение и помощь во всех вопросах!
С какой любовью нам было рассказано об Армении, мы получали ответы на все наши вопросы.
Действительность превзошла наши ожидания, поездка была комфортной, безопасной, в аэропорт нас доставили вовремя и даже по нашей просьбе успели заехать на рынок!
Без сомнения, в следующий свой приезд мы вновь с удовольствием обратимся в вашу компанию!
С уважением, Наталья, Ирина, Марина, Мария, Ирина. -
Markus Henz
Dear Hyur Service team,
I just returned this evening from a two days tour with Mary and Norik to Lake Sevan and Debed Canyon. I would like to
express my great appreciation for their work. They did an excellent job and I sincerely enjoyed the tour with them.
They are a great team and made this a most memorable trip for me.
Thank you!