1642 opiniones
  • Jeannine et Daniel

    daniel dot debarge at wanadoo dot fr

    Francia Francia



    Je tenais à vous remercier pour l'organisation de notre voyage.
    Il est vrai que j'avais peut-etre chargé un peu trop pour les differentes visites, mais avec la guide nous avons reussi à adapter les visites quand il le fallait. Mes amis ont ete enchantés de ce voyage et ont ete surpris du pays, les paysages, les sites mais aussi par la gentillesse du peuple arménien.
    Merci encore

    Jeannine et Daniel

  • Tarja Svensk

    tarja dot svensk at gmail dot com

    Finlandia Finlandia


    Dear Mari,

    I would like to express our sincere thankfulness for the excellent arrangement of our tour in Armenia!
    My group was not only impressed of the beauty of your country and its great history - but also impressed of the friendliness of Armenians and their way to attend to foreigners. We met such a great hospitality everywhere we went to.

    My special thanks go to our bus driver Mais. It was so interesting to make the historical analysis of the Armenia by hearing his version of the latest developments.
    As we were about the same age and both of us have lived in the Soviet Union, the context for the understanding was already there.
    There were people in my group too, who had traveled a lot in the Soviet Union. For them the historical backgrounds existed already the same way.
    And Mais is a perfect driver!

    Mary and Ani were both qualified quids. My group just loved Mary's fresh and cheerful way of telling and explaining. Especially now the new hope of Armenians became us very concrete by hearing the personal experiences of Mary.
    And I personally enjoyed the way Ani's working too. She was a guide, who really knew, how to work with translation.
    Please tell them all our best regards.

    Some people of my group want to send photos to Mary. Could you please send me her email address?

    I wish You and all your staff every best for the future!
    We are going to remember our tour to Armenia for a long time - and we are coming back - somehow, someday!

    Yours sincerely,

  • Della Lopez

    della dot lopez at web-maritime dot com

    Australia Australia


    Dear Mari,

    I just want to express our thanks for the wonderful service Hyur has provided us since we arrived in Yerevan one week ago, The tour has been very well organised and Reuben, our driver, and Edwin our guide did a wonderful job with seeing to our well being, answering our questions and ensuring we travelled safely and learned and were immersed in Armenian culture.

    A personal thank you to you for your prompt answers to my emails and for organising the tour. We leave very early tomorrow morning and I just wanted you to know that we have enjoyed this beautiful country, the hospitality of those we have met and the many people involved in making this a very memorable holiday for us and a return to my Armenian roots.

    Thank you so much.

  • Елизавета

    Rusia Rusia


    Хочу выразить огромную благодарность прекрасному профессиональному коллективу Вашей турфирмы. Особая благодарность гидам Каринэ и Мане, очень интересные экскурсии, отличное чувство юмора, приятное общение.

    Девушки в офисе тоже очень доброжелательные, пошли на встречу и перенесли деньги за экскурсию, которую я оплатила и не смогла посетить из-за внезапной болезни.

    Я смогла поехать на другую экскурсия взамен пропущенной, за что еще раз хочу сказать спасибо. Кроме отличных экскурсий агенство проводит розыгрыши интересных призов на каждой экскурсии, была неожиданно приятно обрадована, когда посчастливилось выиграть билеты в один из лучших джаз-клубов Еревана, где провела отличный вечер.

    Автобусы комфортабельные, для туристов есть бесплатная вода и вкусные булочки, во время экскурсии в автобусе также можно воспользоваться wi fi, очень удобно. Вобщем получила отличные эмоции и много интересной информации и впечатлений.

    Буду рада снова путешествовать с HYUR service, как только доведется приехать в Армению снова. Желаю компании успехов, дальнейшего развития, процветания и много благодарных туристов.

  • Anna

    Rusia Rusia


    Мы были на экскурсии армянский алфавит-Амберд-Арагац.

    Гид Айк, водитель Хосров. Все было очень хорошо. Главное, хочется отметить, профессионализм гида, который говорил на русском и на английском, отвечал на все вопросы, шутил, давал полную информацию. Было спокойно и комфортно.

    Водитель выше всяких похвал, было страшно подыматься на Аранац, но чувствовалось, что Хосров знает дорогу с закрытыми глазами.

    Молодцы, все продумано, хорошо. Спасибо.

  • SIMON Marie Dominique

    mdsimonlacote at gmail dot com

    Francia Francia


    Bonjour Anna,

    Nous sommes bien rentrés en France sans problème avec les grèves d’avion et de train. Nous avons beaucoup apprécié notre séjour en Arménie.

    Je tiens à vous faire part combien nous avons apprécié la prestation de notre guide IRENE. Elle nous a accompagnés avec bonne humeur, gentillesse et beaucoup de professionnalisme. En effet, elle a de très bonnes connaissances en histoire, en géo politique, en culture. Grâce à elle nous avons pu comprendre l’histoire de l’Arménie, découvrir la culture, l’histoire des monastères. Elle a su s’adapter à nos demandes avec souplesse. Nous la recommandons pour d’autres touristes français (et autres), elle a été formidable !

    Nous avons aussi apprécié la conduite de notre chauffeur MAISS, il est très prudent et très serviable , de plus il a essayé d’échanger avec nous en anglais et avec les mots de français qu’il connait, c’était très sympathique.

    Donc merci encore à eux et à vous pour avoir participé à la réussite de notre séjour;
    Nous ne manquerons pas de recommander ces prestations.

    Bien cordialement
    Marie Dominique

  • Chammas

    Laurence dot chammas at gmail dot com

    Francia Francia


    Nous avons visité l'Arménie en 4 jours avec un voyage organisé par Hyur. La guide Irène était excellente. Elle nous appris énormément de choses sur l'histoire de l'Arménie, la culture, la danse et avons appris quelques mots d'arménien. L'agence Hyur a été très souple dans les modifications que nous avons éffectués suite au mauvais temps (randonnée à Dilijan annulée et retour à Yerevan avec un changement d'hôtel. À l'origine nous passions cette deuxième nuit à Dilijan).

    Le chauffeur Maïs était également très bien avec une conduite en souplesse, un véhicule toujours propre et une juste discrétion. Très sympathique également.

    Notre voyage s'est très bien passé avec cette agence

  • Вероника Мелехова

    melekhova dot veronika at yandex dot ru

    Rusia Rusia


    Доброе утро Лилит!

    Большое спасибо за проведённые экскурсии! Огромная благодарность гиду Розе и водителю Гераму. Всё очень понравилось, надеемся приехать ещё. Желаем Вам успеха и процветания.

    С уважением, Вероника.

  • Григорян С.У.

    sirusho-14 at mail dot ru

    Rusia Rusia


    Спасибо Вам большое за подаренные эмоции, знания и частичку тепла Армении, которые каждый из группы унес с собой в тот уголок Земли из которого он прибыл. Нам очень понравилась экскурсия вместе с Нур Сервис. Это было интересно, познавательно и полезно. День пролетел на одном дыхании. Спасибо Вам и процветания!

    С уважением,
    Григорян С.У.

  • Vera Ivantsova

    Vera dot Ivantsova at outlook dot com

    Rusia Rusia


    Уважаемые сотрудники Hyur Service, Мери,

    Благодарим вас за организация нашего отдыха в Армении в период с 29 апреля по 6 мая 2018г.

    Всегда есть опасения, приезжая во второй раз в страну, что так, как понравилось в первый раз, уже не будет. Первый восторг всегда особенный.

    Наоборот, в эту поездку наши эмоции и радость от пребывания в Вашей стране превысили все ожидания. Мы с грустью покидали Армению на позапрошлой неделе и с большим желанием вернуться к Вам теперь уже в третий раз.

    Организация аренды машин и качество самих машин, предоставленные Вам гостиницы, вежливость Ваших водителей, поддержка по телефону 1 мая 2018г. во время блокировок дорог, забота и высокий профессионализм Ваших коллег подарили нам 6 незабываемых дней. Спасибо вам всем.

    Желаем Вашей компании процветания, удачи, новых клиентов и успехов.

    С наилучшими пожеланиями и благодарностью,
    Вера Иванцова

  • Corrado Noseda

    cnoseda at bluewin dot ch

    Suiza Suiza


    Dear Ms. Grigoryan,

    this is to let you know that my wife and I had a wonderful time in beautiful Armenia!
    This is also to be ascribed to the highly professional service you offered us.

    1) Very efficient booking process (thank you Ms. Grigoryan)
    2) Very knowledgeable and motivated guides (Anahit, Samuel and Ani; unfortunately I don't remember their last names: I am sure you know who I am referring to. Please praise them on our behalf)
    3) Very flexible attitude on the day (May 2nd) when the tour had to be cancelled due to the events in Yerevan. You reimbursed the participants immediately on the spot, even though you were not responsible. Moreover, the guides (Samuel in our case, and a lady whose name I don't recall) offered to lead us in a walking tour of the city - free of charge.
    4) Complete reimbursement of a tour we reserved initially but cancelled subsequently on short notice, and substitution with a private tour, on our request. Eveything very easily and "no questions asked".
    5) Perfect organization in general.

    We really find it hard to identify areas in which you could improve.

    Please thank everybody, including your management, on our behalf: I wish we could stay longer. Be sure that we will recommend your Agency whenever we will have the opportunity to do so. We already left our comments on Tripadvisor.

    With kindest regards,

    Corrado Noseda
    Vacallo - Switzerland

  • Santosh Mishra

    santosh at utdd dot ru

    India India



    I was bit hesitant in writing about today's story. Through one of my write-ups I had described how we were stuck in the hotel room in the States due to heavy snow fall. A similar situation is initiating in Armenia. Reader may think that this is a pattern of our travel.
    My wife Saroj and I arrived Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia on 29th April 2018. We were aware of the unstable political situation in the country. Our holiday trip was planned much before and also our friends connecting to Armenia mentioned high about peace loving people of Armenia which encouraged us to go ahead with the trip.
    Our interaction with the local people at the airport and also with the taxi driver and our host on arrival to the apartment we rented, was quite pleasant. We got convinced about the hospitable nature of Armenians. The older generation is aware of the losses in the past. The Armenian Genocide also known as the Armenian Holocaust, took away lives of 1.5 million people between 1914 &1923. The Second World War claimed lives of 20 million Soviet citizens among which there were Armenians. Close to only three million people live in Armenia today. You will be surprised to know that total population of Armenians in the world is above 10 million. More than 7 million Armenians live away from their motherland. I have never come across a country with such disproportion. Most of those who left Armenia since the beginning of 20th century chose Russia, USA, France and neighboring country Iran to settle down. Armenian population in Russia exceeds the number in Armenia. Somebody cracked a joke that Vladimir Putin should be considered to be the real president of Armenians.
    Armenia is the first country to adopt Christianity as religion in the third century AD. Civilization in the territory of Armenia is proved to have been existing more than six thousand year back. Armenian language is considered to be the oldest with its unique script which has not been effected by any major changes enabling to read old manuscripts and stone carvings. Such a great nation is scattered around the globe and the country is revolting today for justice. Armenians are leaders by nature. I hope my Armenian friends will not get hurt if I say that coexistence of so many leaders in one place is impossible. This may be one of the main reasons why they dispersed and are shining bright around the world. Those who can afford are helping their motherland by constructing schools, roads, tunnels etc. A corruption free country may encourage more fundings.
    These days republic square is flooded with people, major part is youth. I spoke to many Armenians about the political situation in the country. All of them think that a corruption free government is today's demand. Industries of soviet era are closed down. Most of the unfinished projects during break up of Soviet system are yet to be completed. Unemployment is as high as 20%. Earnings are low. A bus driver quoted his grandson's statement- we (youth) are going to make our country prosperous which could not be achieved by your generation. But the bitter past has taught the nation to stay away from violence. On the day of protest all the radial roads leading to Republic Square are closed by young boys and girls from 9 to 5. This is the way people demonstrate their unity and determination to overthrow the government for a better future. Government offices, schools, museums, shops and restaurants are functioning as usual. The leading tour operator of Armenia, Hyur service with its excellent fleet of vehicles and professional staff could introduce us with Armenia without major hamper.
    Hope the movement in Armenia will not be provoked by external forces. I am not at all worried about the little inconveniences we are facing during this trip to Armenia. Wish the nation to find the path of prosperity with the help of right leadership.

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