1635 opinioni
  • Edmond Tcheurdukian

    [email protected]
    Francia Francia


    Bonne et heureuse annйe а toute l\'equipe
    grace а la competence,la gentillesse et la disponibilitй de tout le personnel, nos deux sejours en Armenie en 2006 se sont merveilleusement bien passйs et nous ont laissй des souvenirs inoubliables.
    (une pensйe pour Christina qui а rendu nos visites passionantes)

    A bientфt
    gros Batchigs
    Michele Edmond et Julien

  • Jack Seraidarian

    jacksera at msn dot com

    Canada Canada


    Dear Hyur service members

    I have to admit to you as a first time visitor to Yerevan Armenia (and for sure not the last) me and my wife are very greatful to the services we had from Hyur members from arrival time to the departure at this occasion I extend all my wishes to you, SHENORHAVOR NOR DARI YEV SOURP DZENOUNT

    Jack and Annie Seraidarian

  • Andrew Behan

    Irlanda Irlanda



    Myself and my girlfriend really enjoyed our trip to Armenia.

    A big part of that was the courteous, professional service we received from your company. It compared very favourably to apartments services we had used in other CIS countries.

    We also took a tour with one of your tour guides, which was one of the highlights of a very enjoyable trip!

  • Aida Babayan

    AidaBFard at yahoo dot com

    Stati Uniti d'America Stati Uniti d'America


    Dear Hyur Services,
    Thank you for making my stay in Yerevan so wonderful. I enjoyed every minute of my stay in the wonderful appartment on Sayat Nova, and I have dared to recommend your services to many friends. Your incredible friendly service is one of the reasons I will definitely return to Armenia.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Aida Babayan

  • j-pierre fayolle

    josiane dot h at hotmail dot fr

    Francia Francia


    j\\'ai йtй trиs satisfait de vos services , et j\\'ai surtout apprйcier de trouver une hotesse parlant le franзais, j\\'ai recommandй votre site а beaucoup de mes amis, et je n\\'hйsiterais pas а passer par vous pour mes prochains voyage , tout йtait parfait, avec tout mes remerciements

  • Hayk

    Stati Uniti d'America Stati Uniti d'America


    Dear Hyur Service staff:

    From the bottom of my heart I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and say "Xhorin Shnorhakalutyuner". My family and I have arrived to and departed from Armenia with a great gratitude and joy. Thank you for keeping in touch to see how we were and if there was anything in need. We really appreciate your hard work and effort. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. Thank you.


  • Karekin Daghlian

    Stati Uniti d'America Stati Uniti d'America


    Dear friends.

    I never thanked you enough.
    I did have a wonderful time in Armenia. By your help and very good service you prevent to us.
    Hoping to see you all very soon again

    Karekin Daghlian.

  • Anita Shahbazian

    hayzip at yahoo dot com

    Iran Iran


    Dear friends in hyurService,

    I have used your services for more than 3 times and during these 3 years I only remember good treatment, true friendship and promissing job from you while staying in most compfortible appartments, you are the only company who\'s words and works corresponds to each other and I hope you have sucess and plenty new customers together with new more comfortible appartments which will make your customers to think that you are always the best guest service company in Armenia.

    best regards
    Shahbazian Family

  • Catherine Vieille-Fermariello

    catherine dot vieille at fastwebnet dot i

    Francia Francia



    Merci beaucoup pour vos voeux et vous souhaitons de meme.
    Valerie garde un souvenir inoubliable de ce sejour en Armenie: Elle a d\'ailleurs ecrit, en s\'inspirant de ce voyage, depuis plusieurs contes pour les
    enfants qui j\'espere seront publier bientot.
    Nous gardons precieusement votre adresse en esperant nous aussi pouvoir faire un petit tour d\'Armenie un de ces jours.



  • Tony Rodrigues

    RodriguesAntony at aol dot com

    Stati Uniti d'America Stati Uniti d'America


    I really enjoyed my stay in your apartment in Yerevan, plan to reserve it again and is also recommending to others. Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays.

    Tony Rodrigues

  • Irina Oganezova

    ira134 at mail dot ru

    Georgia Georgia


    Спасибо за поздравление !
    Так же поздравляю вас с Новым годом :) Желаю всего наилучшего ! Мы были весной в гостях в Ереване и нам очень понравилось :) С вашей помощью мы очень хорошо устроились и оче! нь хорошо провели время !!!! спасибо за оперативную и качетсвенную работу :) приедем еще :))))

  • Robert and Catherine Skapura

    rskapura at gmail dot com

    Stati Uniti d'America Stati Uniti d'America


    My wife and I rented an apartment (through Hyur) for three weeks in Yerevan. We split our time taking day trips to various places (Garni, Geghard, Lake Sevan, Khor Virap, Echmiadzin, etc.) and exploring the capital city. The day trips were led by a Hyur supplied guide who spoke excellent English, was knowledgeable and enthusiastic. The trips were in a small van with between four and nine passengers. Our questions and small problems were quickly handled by the Hyur staff. We are not Armenian and had no idea of the rich history the country has. We would highly recommend Armenia to anyone who enjoys an interesting vacation of exploration, and would highly recommend Hyur Service to help with that trip.

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