1635 avis
  • Judit Olivella

    jobfgs at gmail dot com

    Espagne Espagne


    Dear Anna :
    Tomorrow is the last day and I want you say CONGRATULATION for the visit, and in special for our GUIDE MARIA.
    She is a very very good guide. She speaks spanish very well, she explain your history perfectly and amusing.
    I hope you traslade my excellent opinion to the director or to the departament in charge.

    If someone want to go to your country, I recommended your agency
    Best regards

  • Proudian

    S dot proudian at waterloo dot eu

    France France


    Un séjour réussi grâce au programme complet concocté par les hôtesses de Hyur, au professionnalisme de la guide, à la ponctualité du chauffeur et à la qualité de l'accueil. Si c'était à refaire , je n'hésiterai pas à confier mon séjour à Hyur.

  • Lucie Chachaty

    ltatossian at optusnet dot com dot au

    Australie Australie


    Dear Anush,

    Now that we're back to Australia after a wonderful holiday at Yerevan I Just want to express our appreciation and our great thanks to you first for giving us a beautiful and relaxing apartments that we did enjoy it very much and secondly to your company Hyur Service for their hard work for organising a tour of 3 days to Karabag and Sushi

    It's an unforgettable holiday we love our Armenia our great land !!
    Thank you again and see you soon.

    Lucie Chachaty, Sylvia Terzian, Eddy and Suzi Terzian

  • Laura Pratt

    laura dot a dot w dot pratt at gmail dot com

    États-Unis d'Amérique États-Unis d'Amérique



    I wanted to make sure and thank you and Hyur Service for all your help and your excellent service during our trip to Armenia and Georgia. Our family had a fantastic time. We cannot complement your staff and your drivers enough. They all did an exceptional job!!

    We will do our best to continue to recommend you to other travelers for similar services in the future.

    Thank you for a job well done!

    ~Laura Pratt

  • Piotr Deuar

    deuar at ifpan dot edu dot pl

    Pologne Pologne


    Dear Anna,
    thank you for your help with our stay in Armenia. My Wife and I are all the time under a very great and favorable impression of Armenia and above all Armenians - such kind and open people.

    We travelled around by local buses for a couple of days, and were met all the time with only kindness. We also loved the elegance of Yerevan, and particularly the "musical fountains" in
    the evening at Republic square. :)

    We hope to come back in a year or two with the children.

  • Shakeh Ohanian

    so02 at aub dot edu dot lb

    Liban Liban


    Would like to thank you for the great service we received while we were in Armenia.

    Thank you so much
    We had a great time :)


  • AG

    Allemagne Allemagne


    I visited Yerevan for business and Hyur Services arranged the travel and accommodation services for me.

    Their service was very cordal, prompt and professional. I also booked the daily excuursions organised by them to visit the surroundings of Yerevan and I really enjoyed it. The guide was friendly and knowledgable.

    I really appreciated their efforts to make the visit enjoyable and memorable. I definitely recommend them. Thank you,

  • Egorov A

    png64 at rambler dot ru

    Russie Russie


    Выражаем свою благодарность всему коллективу HyurService!

    Находились Вашей замечательной стране с 11 по 18 июня 2016 года. За это время совершили 5-ть не забываемых путешествий по Вашей прекрасной стране. Всё было организовано очень профессионально.

    Экскурсии познавательные и разнообразные. Во время экскурсий всегда была доброжелательная и душевная обстановка. Сочетание красивых пейзажей и древней архитектуры завораживает! Непременно хочется ещё вернуться и увидеть все остальные достопримечательности восхитительной Армении.

    Спасибо всем службам Вашего дружного коллектива:
    - девушкам работающим в офисе - таким приветливым и отзывчивым;
    - гидам, так любящим свою страну и хорошо знающим историю своей Родины;
    - водителям старающимся сделать переезды комфортными и безопасными.

    Желаем процветания Вашей фирме и Вашей дружелюбной и гостеприимной стране!

    Семья Егоровых Александр и Галина.

  • Sami Sarwah

    Emirats Arabes Unis Emirats Arabes Unis


    good day dear

    i'd like to tanx Ms Anna and Hyurservice stuff .we really enjoyed our staying in Yerevan.

    best regards

    Sami Sarwah

  • Susan Manjikian

    susanmanjikian at tpg dot com dot au

    Australie Australie


    Fantastic thank you very much for your help. We have appreciated your prompt communication from the beginning to the end of our wonderful trip to our Hayrenik.

    We look forward to visiting again very soon.

    Good luck and take care.

    Warm regards
    Susan Manjikian

  • H & L travel agency

    info at hltravelagency dot am

    Arménie Arménie


    We appreciate "Hyur Service" Travel Agency for the bus and driver they lend us.

    The service was wonderful and our group was very happy and satisfied for the trip. A group of our tourists were eager to book hotels and flats through this agency.

    Our cooperation has started a week ago and will last for a long time.

  • Nirva Tomasian

    ntomasian at gmail dot com

    États-Unis d'Amérique États-Unis d'Amérique


    We are back home from our wonderful trip to Armenia. We used "Hyur Service" for almost all of our tours.

    We had a very good experience overall and especially with our private tours. We had 4 days of private tours, and our personal tour guide was Nurik Sargsyan. I would like to let you know that Nurik was an amazing guide. She is very knowledgeable and gave us detailed information of all the sites that we visited. She made our trip so enjoyable, with her positive attitude and enthusiasm. Looking forward for more future trips to Armenia.


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